The Special Operations Sniper is a selected volunteer specially trained in advanced marksmanship and fieldcraft

skills. He can support special operations (SO) missions and is able to engage selected targets from concealed

positions at ranges and under conditions that are not possible for the normal rifleman.


Special operations snipers are trained, and equipped military and paramilitary forces conduct special operations

missions. Their goal is to achieve military, political, economic, or psychological objectives by unconventional means

in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive areas. Operations conduct missions in peacetime operations and war,

independently or in coordination with operations of conventional forces. Politico-military considerations frequently

shape operations, requiring clandestine, covert or low-visibility techniques, and oversight at the national level.

Operations usually differ from conventional operations in their degree of risk, operational techniques, mode of

employment, independence from friendly support, and dependence upon operational intelligence and indigenous



There are two kinds of ranged shooters: the marksman and the sniper.

A marksman, which is embedded within the special operations squad are adept at hitting his targets with extreme

accuracy, up to 800m and at ranges that vary frequently; not an easy task in its own light. The marksman moves and

moves with the squad.

Meanwhile, a sniper is independently of the unit and has the advantage of agility: able to assemble and deploy

quickly (usually undetected) with minimal logistical planning and resources. On the ground, they can act

independently and maneuvering seamlessly whereas a marksman’s duty must be to his squad first. The recon and

intelligence gathering that a sniper team is in the best position to achieve can empower field leaders with advanced

information to aid in the coordination of their forces against enemy’s plans far beyond their view.

Under normal circumstances the differences between a marksman and sniper should be well understood so the lines

are never blurred; rather, to ensure both are utilized to their fullest. Both roles are central in that they extend the

range of the unit, the marksman as part of a squad over their fire teams; and a sniper team as part of a platoon over

their squads. Two very important roles, neither considered better. 


Snipers conduct missions in pairs to enhance the team’s effectiveness, provide mutual security, and maintain

constant support for each other.

The more experienced of the pair will act as the observer during the shot. This method is especially important on a

high priority target. The more experienced sniper is better able to read winds and give the shooter a compensated

aim point to ensure a first-round hit. Also, a high-priority target may warrant that both snipers engage the target at

the same time. The two-man concept allows this flexibility.

Past experience has shown that deploying as a sniper/observer team significantly increases the success rate of the

missions. With few exceptions, snipers who are deployed singly have shown a marked decrease in their

effectiveness and performance almost immediately after the start of the mission. This decrease is due to the sniper

becoming overwhelmed with concern for his security, the tasks to be accomplished


Either member of the sniper team can perform the function of the sniper the other member performs the function of the observer. The two-man team is the smallest organization recommended. It offers mobility, concealment, and flexibility. The sniper team can maintain continuous observation of an area while alternating security, sleeping, eating, and relieving the stress inherent in a single-man operation. The sniper/observer relationship of the sniper pair is invaluable in target acquisition, estimation of range to targets, observation of bullet trace and impact, and in offering corrections to targets engaged. Under certain circumstances the team may be augmented with a squad- to platoon-sized element. This element may be used for security, hide construction, or as a cover for a stay-behind operation. If the augmentation is for security purposes, the security element must be located far enough away from the team to prevent its compromise. A starting guideline is 800 to 1,000 meters that must be modified according to the situation and the terrain. It is critical to mission success that the sniper team and the augmentation unit be thoroughly familiar with each other and have well-developed standing operating procedures (SOPs). Sniper teams may also be augmented with additional observers or snipers. The primary team will act as the sniper/observer pair if a shot is required. The augmentees act only as observers during an observation cycle. 


To qualify as a sniper the operator must be able to engage and kill 8 moving targets with only 10 rounds, from first the operator has 120 seconds to complete the task. 

(10 rounds to make 8 hits) 



The ballistic properties of various rounds are important to understand. Simply put, as your firing extends beyond the max zero range of your rifle, the smaller bullet sizes or calibers will inevitably do less damage.


Bullet drop is an active element in Arma, of course. Most sniper systems have the ability to zero out to a distance to adjust for this allowing you to use the center of a scope’s crosshairs to engage targets out to their max zero range. If you engage an enemy beyond what your sniper system can zero to, it is then necessary to use the hold over method. In the range charts we provided weapon data showing characteristics like the holdover, speed, and damage at incremental ranges. At the very least, these charts give you the mil, tick, or chevron reference to help you adjust your POA for engagement of targets in between and over your weapon’s zeroing intervals.


Trying to hit moving targets is tricky for a few reasons. First, the bullet travel time is consistent; your lag however, is not. Latency, better known as lag, is an accepted fact of gaming over a network connection and can easily have aplay in what you can and cannot do. Through practice, you will gain experience and more often than not achieve thepoint where you can overcome even the smallest amount of consistent lag existing naturally in any online game.Eventually you will grow better at hitting targets on the move.


One of the core competencies of a sniper must not only be shooting with great accuracy and precision. Controlling the factors that enable you to do this is a superior skill. These factors generally include personal concerns like patience and discipline. A sniper must have a strong knowledge of his perspective and situation, far beyond just what he sees through the scope. The formula for great marksmanship skills lies first in managing your stance and breathing pattern and then applying the knowledge of what you read through the scope


The operator is free to chose the rifle they feel most conferrable with, but understand in the marksman role a higher rate of sustained fire will be required.

There are 5 Types of Rifles (based on their Precision level) which you can choose:

Fire. This obviously fits HVT & HC shot!

This obviously fits MTE shot!